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Foam Sheets


Precio $15.00 Oferta

Descripción de producto

With these foam sheets by PLN, your store will be the place your customers visit when they look for the best complement for their recovery journey. PLN's foam sheet is the ideal accessory for shapewear due to its flexibility, top-quality materials, and versatile use.

  • To wear under the girdles.
  • Perfect after going under cosmetic procedures like liposuction or tummy tuck.
  • Ideal for the chin, arms, thighs, or any area of the body your customer needs to heal.
  • Made of soft materials that help ease pain and discomfort.
  • No more bruises, pain nor swelling in the mid-section area.
  • Ideal for post-surgery or everyday use.
  • Measurements: 8” x 11” x 0.5”

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